As Far as no manual filling is required , you can use the Automatic Mode.
But some directory need at least a manual action : a code is required, no matching category was founded, or submission processes in several Steps...If only a captcha code is required, submission can be done within Captcha Submission. You enter the code, click and the submission will process, and you are automatically invited to enter a new code for the next directory. It is very fast ! In other cases, if other actions are required (in case of no matching category), on can use Manual Mode. But each time, MPS Auto Website Submitter will try to fill in forms. MPS minimize the time of submission.
Powerful and innovative management of categories
User words
Main categories
Choosing the right category is crucial. Submitting in deep categories increases your chance to be accepted, and your chance to be listed with better rank, in related content PaGE. Most of directories deny submission in top categories.
MPS Auto Website Submitter allows you to enter your own words and to select an higer level category. If no matching categories with your words exists, Mypersonalsubmitter tries to find category with an higher level (selected as main category). If several categories match with your user words, MPS Auto Website Submitter chooses a category which is a subcategory of your main category.
Take us an example. You submit a site about books for children. Books category may appear several times as asubcategory of Arts, Shopping, Children,...but "Books for children" does not exist. In this case, MPS Auto Website Submitter will choose "Books"as subcategory of Children.
Backlinks management
Automatic creation of a backlinks pages you can free download MPS website submitter 3.0 now.
Tags: website, submitter, download, free, submission, optimization
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