Macromedia Contribute 3 is an easy to use Web publishing program designed to make editing a Web site as easy as using a word processor. Updating sites with simple tools for end-users is a lucrative market for both the enterprise and small businesses with dynamic Websites and intranets. Contribute 3 steps up to the mark with this release and will appeal to a wider audience than before. Since Macromedia's flagship development tool, Dreamweaver, hit the market the product has continually become more complex to use. For developers wanting to make interactive Web sites and intranets Dreameaver loyalists have grown their development skills with the product. However, as Dreamweaver's complexity and features grew, the product isolated designers and everyday users. Contribute 3 helps fill this gap to users who just want to update simple features on both a complex company site or Intranet or set up a simple, small and static Web site without the worry of hand coding. Users who have tried using Macromedia Contribute from previous releases and were disappointed should definitely give this product another chance. Contribute have obviously gone back to the drawing board with a host of new features for both the big and small end of town. For larger users who need to update an enterprise Website or company Intranet, Contribute 3 includes a new addition called Publishing Services. This new add-on includes a server module for centrally controlling site connections. For example, End-users who need to update a large company site can now be validated against enterprise directories like Active Directory or LDAP giving users specific access to certain parts of their site determined by an administrator. The flexibility of Contribute Publishing Services is a bonus as the server application runs on Windows, UNIX, and Linux Servers and on J2EE application environments. This now makes Macromedia Contribute 3 a real option to large scale sites in the enterprise as opposed to previous releases.
Tags: macromedia, contribute, flashpaper, design, publishing, development tool, sites editor
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