Do you always follow back twitter accounts that follow you? If you do then have a look at the new software Twidium Connect, which has been released recently by Twidium. It has been developed by Twitter users' requests. The software could be interesting for those who want both to get more followers and obey the rules of Twitter etiquette.
Generally speaking you should follow back those twitter accounts that follow you. Why? This reciprocation can lead to that person's followers will see your profile link. This in turn can increase exposure and the chance that someone will follow you without you making a request to them.
Let's have a closer look at the program.
1. It is free.
2. The main function of Twidium Connect is to automate the process of following back twitter accounts that follow you. Growing a targeted following is very time consuming as you should manually click on followers, buttons, etc. It is quite a boring process. Now you have the opportunity to accept the requests and follow back twitter accounts very quickly.
3. The software is easy to use and logically understandable.
There are three steps to achieve the result.
1. Request somebody to follow you on Twitter
2. Twitter users may reciprocate your following them by following you back. So you have got some followers now.
3. Start Twidium Connect and follow back twitter accounts that follow you.
Using Twidium Connect you have got one more benefit. If you follow somebody on twitter, there is no possibility to unfollow you automatically. One can do it just manually. So you anchor these accounts to your list of followers in some way.
Here is the couple of final tips.
1. It is better to send requests more frequently but by small portions.
2. Change the intervals between the requests regularly.
Tags: follow back twitter accounts, follow back accounts, followback accounts