1. Software Setup and Technical Support
No programming skills required
Easy webbased installation
Userfriendly webinterface. Easy to administer. Not the least bit overwhelming!
Free Technical Support
2. Design and Layout
100% templatebased storefront
Attractive Fully customizable design & layout
Choice from 4 predesigned themes that can be applied on the storefront to give more customized look.
MiniCart facility
Builtin WYSIWYG HTML editor (webmasterAdmin mode)
CSScompatible design. Cascading Style Sheets allow you to easily change styling of your pages.
HTML emails
3. Customer Care
All orders stored in MySQL database
Customers can view their personal order history
Product can be searched
Real time status of the order can be tracked
Password reminder for customers through email
Customizable autogenerated email notificationsinvoices . Also, these templates can even be changed.
Wish list
Newsletter management that can be sent to many or all the customers
Editing, Deleting, viewing and even exporting list of all the customers.
Printouts can be taken of Individual orders and customer list
"Clear cart" option provided
Editdelete product options in cartwish list. Even the quantity can be changed for the product in the cart.
Multiple Shipping and Payment Options
InBuilt shipping and discount calculations.
OnScreen Shopping List
4. Product Catalog
Unlimited number of products
Unlimited number of categories
"Featured Products" facility
1click enabledisable switch for products and categories
Configurable search by title, description, category, price and weight
5. Product Details
Text formatted product descriptions
Small (90X90 Pixels) and Big (120X120 Pixels) Image for each product.
Images are stored in a folder, and image names are stored in the DB
6. Special Offers as discount
Facility of providing discount coupons to customers.
7. Shipping
Tags: shopping cart, shopping cart script