The component is fully made in ActionScript 2.0 and the code can be found in the first frame of the .FLA file.
Variables that you can change:
galeryWidth set the width of the gallery;
galeryHeight set the gallery height;
menuHeight set the height for the up and bottom menu;
menuSpace spacing between the up menu and first pictures of the gallery;
menuSpacing spacing between menu butons;
colors set the colors for the buttons gradient when it is inactive;
colorsOver set the colors for the buttons gradient when it is active;
pictureWidth the width for the preview picture;
pictureHeight the height for the preview picture;
pictureBorder the size of the border for the preview picture;
pictureTitle the size of the title for the preview picture;
pictureSpacing the minimum spacing between the picture ... it will be resize for the best position of the pictures;
pictureAlpha alpha for the picture preview when is inactive;
pictureBorderColor the color for the border of the preview picture when mouse is not on it;
pictureBorderColorOver the color for the border of the preview picture when mouse is on over it;
active the active category for the beginning is it is undefined then there will be nothing when you load the file;
menuTextFormat set the text format for the text in the menu;
titleFormat set the text format for the text in the title of the picture when mouse is not over it;
titleOverFormat set the text format for the text in the title of the picture when mouse is over it;
infoTextFormat set the text format for the information text on the picture when it is on ViewMode;
The code is well commented so you are not going to have problems understanding it and you have a specification word document with all you have to know. Enjoy!
I offer full support for this component.
Tags: flash, actionscript, flash components
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