This is a very hot video player that supports a ton of features and is very easy to implement and use.
Main Features :
- It can hold un unlimited number of videos
- Supports Youtube videos alongside your own
- Supports playlist with categories
- Cool optional scanlines effect for low quality videos
- You can enable/disable pretty much any button or function of the player
- It can play back any video format supported by flash (from flv to h.264)
+ many more
Options you can change in the XML (25+):
- Fixed player size (width and height) - optional
- auto play video on/off
- loop video clip on/off on playback finish
- loop video category on/off
- debug mode available (on/off)
- show/hide play/pause/replay combo button
- enable/disable the large overlay play/pause/replay combo button
- allow/disallow initial video preview image
- show/hide load/progress bar
- you can allow or disallow users to play/pause the video by clicking on it
- show/hide video thumbnail in the controls bar
- show/hide video title in the controls bar
- show/hide video small description in the controls bar
- alow/disallow large description (info button)
- set the large info max height and css style sheet file path
- show/hide elapesed and total time
- enable/disable mute button
- enable/disable sound volume bar
- enable/disable auto hide of the controls bar and control the auto hide timer
- control if the scanlines apprear (useful on lower quality video) They can be always on, always off or only show up in full screen mode. You can also control their opacity (alpha) and orientation (horizontal/vertical)
- show/hide full screen button
- control the default video scale (original, stretch to fit, fit inside, fit outside)
- enable/disable video playlist and set it's position (over the player or on the right side)
- playlist auto hide on/off and auto hide timer
- you can show/hide the video thumbnail, title and duration in the playlist
Tags: flash, video, player
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