Does it make you sick to your stomach every time you have to sit down and write a sales letter for your new software or information product? Are you sick and tired of staring at your computer's monitor for mind-numbing hours on end desperately searching your brain for just the right words to type? With its newly-designed interface, built-in sales letter template & 900+ winning headlines, IPSL V3.0 will have you cranking out profit-pulling sales letters in under an hour from now. Now writing kick-butt sales letters for your info products has never been easier! Just load the software, re-write the sales letter content inside the template to reflect your info product and send the completed sales letter to yourself! It can't get any easier than that, now can it! ;-)
Tags: info product, sales letter, business sales letters, write sales, national product sales, sales letter writing, product sales information, sales cover letter, persuasive sales letter, global product sales, promotional product sales
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