Engage your users with truly intuitive browsing experiences with the pageFlipper, a Flash component that enables magazine style flipping of pages. Sensational when used for company brochures, family photo albums or editorial style content. With realistic page turning effects introduce an enhanced sense of interaction to your users.
Click and drag mouse interaction
Corners can be clicked to turn the page, or whole pages can be dragged to the left or right for the most realistic interaction possible.
Use Movieclips, external images or SWFs for pages
Page content can be loaded from the library. Alternatively external JPGs and SWFs can be loaded when publishing for Flash 7 player, when publishing for Flash 8 player PNGs and GIFs can also be used.
Add pages using XML, Actionscript or the Component Inspector panel
Pages can be supplied as a list in the Component Inspector panel for simplicity, with Actionscript for flexibility or in an XML file to enable easy editing after publication.
Load pages immediately or on demand
Load external content as soon as the component appears on the stage or only when required, reducing load times and bandwidth usage.
Easily add sound effects
Specify a sound file to play when the pages are turned. The sound file can be specified in XML, with Actionscript or in the Component Inspector.
Customizable look and feel
Shadow strength and the animation speed can be adjusted using Actionscript, XML or the Component Inspector. The mouse over and click corner sizes can also be adjusted.
Custom background
Option of choosing a solid background color for your pages or create your own background which can contain an image or an animation.
Display options
Content can be set to scale to page or displayed at original size. Component can start displaying at any given page. This can be used to create right to left books.
Automated page numbering
Page numbering can be automatically applied to every page, or odd/even pages only. Pages can al
Tags: flash, actionscript, lage flipper, flash components
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