"Installing Rumba on the site, you are entering into a community that is not based on the program, and at a certain way of thinking. Friends Rumba distinguishes desire to have a fast, compact site in order to communicate with the target audience.
Mission Rumba is not intended to create a set of scripts that help people create their own sites, although we are doing well. Target Rumba: to strengthen the best quality content site, add to it the energy and demonstrate the highest standards of professionalism.
Continue reading for a detailed feature list.
- Import from WordPress
- The publication on date (the postponed publication)
- Autoconnection of blocks of foreign developers
- A cloud tags
- Archive on months
- Splitting of articles (news, notes) on a category
- Automatic exchange of hyperlinks between internal pages
- A paginal conclusion in decreasing order (since last published and so on)
- Comments to articles (it is possible to forbid/resolve comments to each article)
- Dispatch of comments to subscribers
- Spam Protection
- Captcha
- Search Engine
- Search in a site with a paginal conclusion of results
- Labels (tags) of articles
- Similar articles (look also)
- On a choice static and dynamical styles of a site
- A conclusion to the panel of the menu of last comments
- A sitemap (for the best indexation by searchers)
- Urly of pages in the form of static .html
- Friendly URLs
- A database on XML files (does not depend on presence and version SQL on a server)
- The compact and easy code takes the minimum traffic
- RSS a tape
- Flexible adjustment
- Simple interface
- Minimal size
- Script has SEO optimization"
Tags: site, engine, script, blog, news