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Simple Pie Chart for HTML Free Download


The SimplePieChart is a simple, easy to use Flash-based pie chart that you can include on your webpage. It allows you to easily set the parameters of the pie chart in an external XML file, removing the need to have Flash installed. Different animations can be set - for example, the segments can rotate in, bounce in, fade in or scale in! Key features of this pie chart are: - Set the X series names and Y series figures. - Set general chart properties, such as the starting angle for the first pie segment, number of decimal places for percentage calculations, and pie chart colors. - Configure text such as the font name, size, color, bold, italic and underline for the chart title, legend text and segment labels. - Customize the title, legend and label text. - Animate the title, pie chart segments, legend and labels. - Position the legend on the left or right side of the chart, or don't include it at all. - Display labels, and if included, can be shown within the segments, on the segment arcs, or outside the segments connected to the segment arcs by connector lines. - Explode any number of segments - and even have the corresponding legend line offset from the others. - Many other configuration settings to make sure you get the pie chart you want! - Include multiple charts on the one webpage, by simply changing the SWF and XML filenames. - Easy to install - insert the SWF file into your webpage, upload along with the XML file and that's it! No need for you to have Flash installed (unless you want to edit the source file).

Tags: flash components, flash extensions, flash component, actionscript, menu, gallery, template, slideshow, audio, video

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