A new advance XML image gallery provided toyou with component inspector for any level of Flash knowledge. You don't have to be a Flash programmer to manage this little gallery - just open the .fla file and modify the component inspector according to your needs. All the data is given in the XML file with a simple structure, easy to modify, with only a text editor. Here is the component inspector's description : XML File - set the path and name of the XML file you want to use. Gallery Width - set the width for the gallery. Gallery Height - set the height for the gallery. Gallery Background Color - set the color of the background for the gallery this background will only appear when the image is loading. Main Image Fade Speed - set the fade speed for the main image (it's the speed for fade in/out). Preview Width - set the width for the preview pictures. Preview Height - set the height for the preview pictures; Preview Border Color - set the border color for the active preview image; Preview Border Size - set the border size for the active preview image; Preview Space - set the space between pictures (this is a minimum space, for the best fit the space is calculated with an exact algorithm); Menu Height - set the height for the menu bar that you can see in the back of the text with a little transparency; Menu Background Color 1 - the bar is fill with a gradient so this is the first gradient color; Menu Background Color 2 - the second gradient color; Menu Text Size - set the size for the menu text; Menu Text Color - set the color for the menu text; Menu Active Text Color - set the color for the active category text; Menu Text Bold - set the text bold (true/ false); I offer full support for this component.
Tags: flash components, actionscript, video player, audio, flash galleries, slideshows, templates, preloaders, menus
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